Navajo Nation Nativity Scene

Recently our friend Beth Akins passed on the gift of a Native American Nativity Set along with this brief note:


When I heard Water With Blessings would be working with the Navajo Nation, two emotions flooded my being—excitement and sadness.  Sadness the Navajo were suffering so much from Covid-19 and lack of clean water.  Excitement I could help in my little way.


I’ve felt a special fondness for the Navajo since I was a child.  We took trips from Kansas to the West with my aunts who lived in Denver.  We covered lots of miles on those summer trips.  The Navajo Trucking drivers were the only ones who would honk their big truck horn for us when we waved at them.  We avidly watched the highways for the trucks with “Navajo” on their side.


My sister Becky has a nativity set collection and she needed to downsize for a move.  When I heard she could not keep her Native American Nativity set, I immediately thought of the Water With Blessings Navajo Project.  Becky’s family and all of us who visit regularly have enjoyed the Nativity sets for years.  As we get to the downsize time of our lives, we seek homes for our treasures with those just starting their families.  I hope this precious Native American Nativity set finds a loving home with another family for years to come.


Love and Prayers, Beth Akins

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